Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas is coming - Quiet, happy times!

Oh, how I do love Christmas. I do have too many expectations for it and have been really disappointed on occasion. One Christmas day about two years ago, I was so sad, that I spent the day riding around in the car just crying. I do not want to ever spend another Christmas day like that again. This Christmas, we want to spend at the river with Blue and Sammi, our dogs. We will remember the happy times at the river with Major, our other border collie, who passed away last year on December 29, right after Christmas. We still miss him so. Sammi does help with being so sad about him, because she is just such a character. We really do love our pets, messes and all. We do hope to have the Richmond house finished with the dining room painted and the decorations up for the holiday. Hopefully the living room and the extra bedroom will be finished, too and we will have our whole house back in some order for the holiday. Still don't know what to do about the four kitties who need to be warm in the house, and are in the kitchen right now. They do make their messes! I love the little guys, but can't figure out just what to do.
With the holiday, comes parties. I will miss the one I had been looking so forward to-Dr. Bluford's 90 th birthday party at Overbrook Presbyterian Church. I had already told Keith's Danville family we would come on that Saturday and I would take a painting class. I am very upset that I won't be able to be at the party. But, I will share my remembrances about the Blufords with them.
The next day, there is the party at Jeannette Glasheen's house. It should be really fun and I am really looking forward to it. I do hope I won't be too tired to go to church before her party and then go on over to her house, still staying on the Southside! I have yet to come to my workplace for a Sunday service and I really want to come to some of them. Especially during the holiday season.
At this time of year, you reflect on those who have made your year be a joy to you. I have been so blessed with good friends and kind acquaintences. I really do think that you are a wealthy person if you have your good health and good friends. Cash is great, but friends do warm your life and keep you going better than money.

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