Thursday, August 9, 2012

So, I do have an answer to my prayer from last post of July, 2009

Yes, a lot has happened since my last post in July, 2009.  Some good things, some really good things and some really sad things, too.  I lost my job in January of 2011.  That was the really sad thing.  But, now that there is hindsight to provide understanding, I realize I had to lose my job so that my husband could continue to live. This does sound very dramatic, but it is true. 
Keith has had continuing illness from the effects of a very serious heart attack in 1999, at the age of 41.  He only lived to see another day because of a wonderful team of doctors who managed to keep him alive for a week to get strong enough to have a five-way heart bypass on July 11, 1999.  He continued on with more problems with his heart, until February 2008 when his cardiologist suggested that a ICD would help his heart and his ef (ejection fraction).  Then, in December of 2010, his cardiologist said, after yet another heart catherization, he could help Keith no more.  He had researched what could be done, still, and suggested he make an appointment to see a doctor in Richmond, who specialized in advanced heart failure.  Oh my heavens-so, this is where we are-how can this be?
We went to see Dr. Zeevi in February 2011.  I had lost my job a month before.  Dr. Zeevi suggested that we consider Keith have a LVAD surgery and they would only do this if he had full time help at home after the surgery for a full three months.  So, I understood and Heaven, Providence, and or the Great Karma message in the sky made everything clear.
I am still sad about my job, but I also understand, still, why, I don't have a new job, yet.  OK, Keith had the LVAD surgery.  Nothing was easy about this surgery for him, but it taught me that I could be a nurse and I went back to school in December 201l, to become a CNA.  I was certified for this in January 2012.  I also knew that I could take additional education and become a Medication Technician.  I only have to take the boards for this to be able to do this job.  But, I am getting ahead of myself.
The LVAD surgery was a very invasive and complicated surgery, due to Keith's problems from diabetes, propensity to bleeding and the severe illness of his heart at the time of surgery in May 2011.  He also had to have a RVAD attached to his heart for a full week after the LVAD surgery. They had to leave his chest open for this whole week to see if his own heart would decide to start beating and then they would take out the RVAD.  His heart started beating after seven days and then they took the RVAD off and closed him up.
Since all this happened, he had to stay in the hospital for a full month and also got Cdif.  Because he got Cdif, is why I knew that I could be a CNA.  So, something so completely yukky that we had to deal with that happened to him and me, is why I decided on a whole new career path.
The LVAD worked for a while.  But, about seven months ago, it pretty much could do no more. Keith needed a new heart-he needed to be listed for a heart transplant.
Can you think about this for a minute.  In the media a transplant is treated as a commonplace.  Believe me, it is not a very easy thing to fathom or to get ready for.  First, a transplant center has to evaluate you to even talk to you.  If you don't pass this first test, then, you pretty much know that you will need to get your life in order and make your peace with it.
Keith was able to get the transplant center at Inova Fairfax in Falls Church,VA to talk to him and they asked him to do ten things to be able to be listed for a heart transplant from their center.  One of these included a colonoscopy-for this he also needed to have some sleepy cheese (put under, sedated, etc.) and this was yet another risk no one was comfortable with due to his heart problems.  We got through this and this was only the beginning of praying and hoping.....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

She was pretty sure that the sound she heard had to be from the other world. You know, the world we hear about from the pulpit, but don't necessarily ever really see from this world. Could it be someone trying to contact her and really let her know what was going on? She was tired of trying to get the answers from discernment or prayer. She needed some real help, and soon. She did not really want to see a medium or clairvoyant. too expensive and too many to choose from.
"So, Mom, what is the answer to this "heavy" question I just asked you? Is my husband going to live through the end of this year or do I really need to get things in order soon?" "How will I survive without him and keep my head up and try to go on?'
The fuzzy figure started to come into focus and started to take on a real shape.

Monday, June 29, 2009

It has been a difficult time for Karen and family

Things have been difficult in our household since February 17, 2009. Just keep me and the household in your prayers.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas is coming - Quiet, happy times!

Oh, how I do love Christmas. I do have too many expectations for it and have been really disappointed on occasion. One Christmas day about two years ago, I was so sad, that I spent the day riding around in the car just crying. I do not want to ever spend another Christmas day like that again. This Christmas, we want to spend at the river with Blue and Sammi, our dogs. We will remember the happy times at the river with Major, our other border collie, who passed away last year on December 29, right after Christmas. We still miss him so. Sammi does help with being so sad about him, because she is just such a character. We really do love our pets, messes and all. We do hope to have the Richmond house finished with the dining room painted and the decorations up for the holiday. Hopefully the living room and the extra bedroom will be finished, too and we will have our whole house back in some order for the holiday. Still don't know what to do about the four kitties who need to be warm in the house, and are in the kitchen right now. They do make their messes! I love the little guys, but can't figure out just what to do.
With the holiday, comes parties. I will miss the one I had been looking so forward to-Dr. Bluford's 90 th birthday party at Overbrook Presbyterian Church. I had already told Keith's Danville family we would come on that Saturday and I would take a painting class. I am very upset that I won't be able to be at the party. But, I will share my remembrances about the Blufords with them.
The next day, there is the party at Jeannette Glasheen's house. It should be really fun and I am really looking forward to it. I do hope I won't be too tired to go to church before her party and then go on over to her house, still staying on the Southside! I have yet to come to my workplace for a Sunday service and I really want to come to some of them. Especially during the holiday season.
At this time of year, you reflect on those who have made your year be a joy to you. I have been so blessed with good friends and kind acquaintences. I really do think that you are a wealthy person if you have your good health and good friends. Cash is great, but friends do warm your life and keep you going better than money.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November and looking for some happy times...

So, now we are in the waiting mode for another lovely person who is on the line between life on earth and death. Duck (Donald) is in the 24 hour death watch, says hospice. His kind and wonderful wife is all to pieces and we worry so about her. He has only known work and taking care of his children and his sister-in-laws' children. If ever there was someone who deserves a good rest and a crown of jewels in heaven, it is him. Always a kind person who put others first.
"Well done, my good and faithful servant."

Monday, November 10, 2008

So, here we are wondering what will happen next

I am the only one wondering when the second shoe will fall? With Obama-mama elected, don't you wonder when the next crisis-du-jour will take place? This guy is so totally without substance, that he will fall just like a house of cards. All the jesters around him are without substance, too. It will be Clinton-Carter-LBJ-JFK White House all over again. The guy in the Richmond paper this weekend did say that McCain was the most qualified candidate ever, who was denied the job as Commander in Chief. I am so glad that my mother is not alive to see the travesty that just took place last week. She, of course, continues to spin in her grave over this one the nation has handed to us. What a joke that "O" Bicky man is. Bicky will be explained in a later post.
I am hoping that the nation can withstand four years of this idiot, but not very hopeful. He will sell us out for many things, just like Carter gave away the Panama Canal.

Monday, October 20, 2008

So, it is finally fall

A month to the day since fall began, we finally have fall weather. It is finally cold and the pesky bugs, mosquitos and fleas, will finally die off. It's time to get some sweaters, and some cordoroy